Charlie Wilson was right all along.....DO NOT ABANDON THEM.....EDUCATE THEM...but once Soviet Union Broke, America turned its back on the FREEDOM FIGHTERS and made them did American Media  More On Facebook 
Different People Say..
.Uzma Maroof Americans are paying "bhatta" to haqanies, who guarantee safe passage of american containers inside afghanistan, british army has peace agreement wth taliban in certain districts, so has the german army... but "if" pakistan has links that upsets US?? the real matter behind this pentagon-ISI tension is something else..."Haathi k dant khaney k aur, dekhanay k aur"

Hyder Malik i would tend to agree with Uzma, but at the time of regan US had vested interest in crippling soviet invasion on afg....and sided taliban who were than freedom fighters.....CIA and ISI created and fueled what today is taliban, Haqqani and TT etc. Real interest could be to squeeze the aid

Kamran Iqbal
The its a pressure building tactics of US to pressure Pakistan to cooperate for a safe and dignified exit of US soldiers from Afghanistan, such that it covers their political shortfalls vis a vis feed an apt material to be used in media to ...portray Obama as a hero for an upcoming election campaign along the line somewhat courageously bringing troops back home.

As for whether above people are Talibans or Northern Alliance, well they can be both. Northern Alliance and Talibans came into formation in post-Soviet scenario when warlords sided or failed to defend themselves with their private armies from specific ideologically driven camps, some eventually becoming Northern Alliance and some Talibans. They all were Mujahideen of those days and terrorists of today, however.
Nusrat Zehra Raza ‎@Abid. The Talibaans were created by USA (Jews) through Pakistan to fight Russian forces in Afghanistan.
Shahzad Ismail Mian There were no Talibans in 1985. These are mujahideen fighters during the time of Soviet occupation. Kindly, stop spreading lies.
Omer Khan  Says Taliban were created in Pakistani madrases after the fall of USSR mostly with Saudi funding and ISI training to counter the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan so that Pakistan could strategically control the Afghan government formed by Taliban, the US did not facilitate the creation of Taliban but did turn a blind eye to their existence initially.   
whats true? 
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