Washington (Monitoring Desk), U.S. Senator Mark cancer has accused the ISI of the Haqqani network is created which is operating with the help of the ISI, U.S. military aid to Pakistan should stop krdyny, U.S. reliance on Pakistan reduced attention to India. He expressed these views in a U.S. television interview. Senator Marc Cancer Congress for the Senate Sub-Committee members said Monday that a CIA office in Afghanistan In view of the attacks should stop military aid to Pakistan. The U.S. Embassy did not provide details about the attack, but according to reports, the attack may be involved in the Haqqani network. Senator Mark said that he was cancer believe that U.S. military aid to Pakistan should stop and krdyny aid conditional on concrete steps by the Government of Pakistan under which Pakistan should be allowed to operate inside the U.S. should also be included, Americans and Afghans on the Haqqani After a dramatic reduction in network attacks Haqqani network in Pakistan, we must eliminate targets.
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