Pakistan to U.S. threats of nuclear war is madness to end, 18 million strong army with the people and the threat of war against Pakistan hy extreme stupidity, U.S.
Washington (news agencies) prkry criticized U.S. policy in the aubama antzamyh kudmkyandyny kbrdarkyahy Pakistan that nuclear-armed country is kudmkanh end of madness and folly, no cake that Pakistan take action against any U.S. confrontation with China karasth can open, but Indians, Pakistanis near the U.S. is the most bradsmn.
American newspaper "The Huffington Post," the report said the world's biggest strength is difficult to accept that the U.S. high technology defeated with forces in Afghanistan and the defeat of the handful of mountain tribesmen who are responsible to the nature of light weapons have been dismissed as terrorists aurjnhyn. graveyard of empires report (Afghanistan) in Whatever is happening in Washington can not admit it ever will or ever trillion-dollar war that Afghanistan's bloody and dangerous mistakes in Pakistan, the U.S. is the victim of Rage. Although still officially pramryka Pakistan says the strategic alliance. khagyahy report last week that outgoing U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the alleged attacks against U.S. targets imposed on the ISI. U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Taliban invasions from the 1968 ءky Vietnam War nightmare reminiscent of the request. newspaper Afghanistan about a CIA intelligence 2 sources alyktrung antrsypts and the Afghan government's intelligence service anti-war, mostly electronic communication system do not use, they know that American artificial planet easily, aircraft, drunz, naval combat aircraft and ground stations can catch their conversation. Tajiks in the Afghan government's intelligence service is dominated by the old Soviet Union's communist intelligence Sex was created by kad and the Pashtuns of Pakistan are bitter enemies. for the U.S. military and civilian intelligence information from Afghan sources have become the primary source of information bites. these sources had claimed that the ISI recently U.S. targets of attacks was behind. U.S. intelligence that in 2003 Iraq friendly intelligence service by the stray was. The report by Washington, Pakistan angry with gyrmhtat responses that I have no doubt that the Soviet Union in Afghanistan 1989 ءky defeat example of rapid WASHINGTON problem of being, the U.S. administration, a senior member of Pakistan's relations with the complexity of the knowledge, in Washington, some experts the relationship are familiar with, but he used the Leave them are behaving like this with Iraq also. The report said 18 million people and a strong military with the war against Pakistan and threatened foolish extreme ءhy Vietnam after the U.S. military a strong ground force did not face. Pakistan is not like the cake will not be easy, U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan to Pakistan's main supply route, the majority of India rather than Pakistan as U.S. kW bradsmn from pune. The reportBut drunz attacks on Pakistan by the CIA in Pakistan ahead of any U.S. action could open the way to confrontation with China, China's silence on the U.S. made clear that any U.S. confrontation against Pakistan's would not allow more crazy is that both Mr. Bush and the U.S. government's military intervention in Afghanistan to try, but India will never send troops to the war in Afghanistan. According to VOA News India cleared the Taliban in Afghanistan against the Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara minorities, support and money to provide U.S. intelligence agents eagerly support for India's nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons, only two Pakistan and China are all targets in Islamabad has rung alarm ghtnyan, Russia and China are watching the drama of the growing unrest on Islamic militants and U.S. allies who have been divided between Pakistan and the U.S. Strategic
American newspaper "The Huffington Post," the report said the world's biggest strength is difficult to accept that the U.S. high technology defeated with forces in Afghanistan and the defeat of the handful of mountain tribesmen who are responsible to the nature of light weapons have been dismissed as terrorists aurjnhyn. graveyard of empires report (Afghanistan) in Whatever is happening in Washington can not admit it ever will or ever trillion-dollar war that Afghanistan's bloody and dangerous mistakes in Pakistan, the U.S. is the victim of Rage. Although still officially pramryka Pakistan says the strategic alliance. khagyahy report last week that outgoing U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the alleged attacks against U.S. targets imposed on the ISI. U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Taliban invasions from the 1968 ءky Vietnam War nightmare reminiscent of the request. newspaper Afghanistan about a CIA intelligence 2 sources alyktrung antrsypts and the Afghan government's intelligence service anti-war, mostly electronic communication system do not use, they know that American artificial planet easily, aircraft, drunz, naval combat aircraft and ground stations can catch their conversation. Tajiks in the Afghan government's intelligence service is dominated by the old Soviet Union's communist intelligence Sex was created by kad and the Pashtuns of Pakistan are bitter enemies. for the U.S. military and civilian intelligence information from Afghan sources have become the primary source of information bites. these sources had claimed that the ISI recently U.S. targets of attacks was behind. U.S. intelligence that in 2003 Iraq friendly intelligence service by the stray was. The report by Washington, Pakistan angry with gyrmhtat responses that I have no doubt that the Soviet Union in Afghanistan 1989 ءky defeat example of rapid WASHINGTON problem of being, the U.S. administration, a senior member of Pakistan's relations with the complexity of the knowledge, in Washington, some experts the relationship are familiar with, but he used the Leave them are behaving like this with Iraq also. The report said 18 million people and a strong military with the war against Pakistan and threatened foolish extreme ءhy Vietnam after the U.S. military a strong ground force did not face. Pakistan is not like the cake will not be easy, U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan to Pakistan's main supply route, the majority of India rather than Pakistan as U.S. kW bradsmn from pune. The reportBut drunz attacks on Pakistan by the CIA in Pakistan ahead of any U.S. action could open the way to confrontation with China, China's silence on the U.S. made clear that any U.S. confrontation against Pakistan's would not allow more crazy is that both Mr. Bush and the U.S. government's military intervention in Afghanistan to try, but India will never send troops to the war in Afghanistan. According to VOA News India cleared the Taliban in Afghanistan against the Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara minorities, support and money to provide U.S. intelligence agents eagerly support for India's nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons, only two Pakistan and China are all targets in Islamabad has rung alarm ghtnyan, Russia and China are watching the drama of the growing unrest on Islamic militants and U.S. allies who have been divided between Pakistan and the U.S. Strategic
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