various concept of national income
Gross national product:aggrigate of those gooods and services that the people of a contry produced in one year,in GNp include whome income that's get from external sources.
2.Net national product: if in G.d.p minus to depericiation allowanace so that made N.N.p.
Gross domestic product:it consist of only that income thats get from a country's internel sources.
so, G.D.p=G.N.p-income(i.s).
National income: if depericiation allownce minus from G.n.p then get and then custum duteis, excise duties and sales texes have minus and subsidies add in this so that make national income.
so,y=n.n.p-indirect texes+subsidies.
personal income:is income that every person earn of his own and diffrent ways.
Diposable person income:if in(Y) subtract from direct texes thatmake y.d.
per capital income:known from the way of:
disposableincome=totaly national income devided by total population
yd=y/p. (By Star Economist Sonia)
Gross national product:aggrigate of those gooods and services that the people of a contry produced in one year,in GNp include whome income that's get from external sources.
2.Net national product: if in G.d.p minus to depericiation allowanace so that made N.N.p.
Gross domestic product:it consist of only that income thats get from a country's internel sources.
so, G.D.p=G.N.p-income(i.s).
National income: if depericiation allownce minus from G.n.p then get and then custum duteis, excise duties and sales texes have minus and subsidies add in this so that make national income.
so,y=n.n.p-indirect texes+subsidies.
personal income:is income that every person earn of his own and diffrent ways.
Diposable person income:if in(Y) subtract from direct texes thatmake y.d.
per capital income:known from the way of:
disposableincome=totaly national income devided by total population
yd=y/p. (By Star Economist Sonia)
Economist and Income
nice G